Ballard Cycle Track
Great News! July 2024
The Seattle City Council has approved $20 million in the Seattle Transportation Levy for completing the Burke-Gilman Trail Missing Link on Leary Way, protecting working-class and family-wage jobs while keeping people and products moving safely through the community.
Read our news release here:
Council Approves $20 Million for Missing Link on Leary
Ballard Cycle Track
Leary Ave NW & NW Market Street
The Missing-Link Solution
Completing the Missing-link through Ballard requires a 21st Century solution: A cycle-track pilot project. Solving the problem only requires moving the trail a couple of blocks from the currently proposed location. The cycle track route starts near the Fred Meyer in Ballard by turning north onto 8th Ave NW and then immediately turning northwest onto NW Leary Way where it will continue until it reaches NW Market St., where it will go west until it reconnects with the existing Burke-Gilman trail at the Locks. This route, compared to the City's proposal, provides connections to major biking "arterials", 8th Ave NW and 24th Ave NW, and can be part of an area-wide system of bike routes and neighborhood greenways.